Example of One of the Best Portfolio sites


This Portfolio website is of Sophie Brittian who is a Visual Designer Specializing in UI/UX designing.
Website is minimal as possible with negative space which is important as per my contemplation because it gives feel of talent and not the feel of extraordinary janky designers. She has uploaded only 6 of her best works in minimal way with just background and simple mock ups but the interesting this is there is a button which takes you to the full Details of each projects with color variations and other mock ups, Little paragraphed information explaining the exact idea with like to that particular site. Which I think is best way to showcase any work (below is Screenshot)(https://www.sophiebritt.com/)

I think the overall mood and tone of the website is Light Themed with the perfect use of space and colors. the only buttons are colored in various colors featuring the intuitive design. There is only three buttons to get to whole website. 

About the designer is always A chance to Create an impact on Visitors and give them a little information about us.  The way she is using Smile Emoji in her logo forecasts that she is a fun person also maintaing that in her About . she also uses emojis and minimal vector arts at the end of sentence.she has provided links to her Resume and Linked.In profile Which is smart way If we want to contact her using other ways like social media.( https://www.sophiebritt.com/about)  




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