Rotoscopy in Photoshop
In this week we learned about rotoscopy in photoshop . Its an animation that describes the process of creating animated sequences by tracing over live action footage frame by frame. though it is a time-consuming process it gives the animation a life-like and a feel and touch of originality.
As our first task was easy we just had to trace a moving buggy in a city with our imagination. and we were allowed to use brushes and swatches time line and video was provided.
I started by setting up the photoshop same as i did in previous animation projects. This time we leaned about cutting the videos and making jump cuts first and then learned to increase or decrease the speed of video . As i brought the video in timeline by creating a layer and then pressing + option . I played around with jump cuts , scissor tools, presets of photoshop like morph cut and dissolve for smooth cut between the frames. I started my main project by just cutting the footage and increasing the speed roughly to 300% . There after I picked up the brush and started creating the out line of the buggy it was a long process though frame rate was 10 fps . as soon as i was satisfied by the buggy. I started with two or three ideas on the different video layer so my this layers remains unharmed and undoable . As we cant draw on smart objects,. It worked both ways. After finishing and adding some extra works . which took many trials and errors. I got the satisfying result.
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