Independent Project(Innerverse) : Drafting Prospectus

 This was the most stressful thing for which I am grateful that I had to do it before deadline because i got to learn alot. Drafting a project prospectus included doing extensive research on various aspects of the project which indeed took a long time along with making some initial designs and working piece .I really enjoyed doing research for this project because I got to learn so much from various other projects and creators of them. 

After logo design was at its place I started looking up for similar pieces online so i could get some ideas and mention it in prospectus.

I started by the definition: The Matrixverse is a combination of two words Matrix means: "something within or from which something else originates, develops, or takes the form" and Verse means: "a single, shared, immersive, persistent, 3D virtual space where humans experience life in ways they could not live in the physical world" and then there was Motive: Whenever there is a new technological invention that can change our perception of the world, I ask how this will shape our future in unexpected ways. After watching movies of alternate realities and dimensions with stunning visuals I was eager to experiment with realities by creating a digital psychedelic voyage through fractal geometries, photos and videos inside of 3D space in virtual realities. hence the Matrixverse.

Artefact: This would be a 3D immersive experience of psychedelic reality in VR Space with Headsets and Sounds.

I am worried about my background research because what i had in my mind relates to psychedelic. The term "psychedelic" was invented in the late 1950s by British psychiatrist Humphry Osmond in conversation with Aldous Huxley, author of The Doors of Perception (1953). Both had been experimenting with substances and were looking for a name that captured what they had felt when high. They thought that the term "hallucination" was inadequate. Osmond proposed the term "psychedelic," derived from the Greek words "psyche" (mind) and "delos" (clear and transparent). "Psychedelic" was thus supposed to indicate "mind-clearing" or "mind-manifesting".

However I went through it because i was sure of the project i was making. My back ground research included Science fiction films like Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) created the same effect in the "Star Gate" sequence through slit-scan photography, ambitious coloured filters, and negative image and posterisation effects. Cut to TRON(1982) by Steven Lisberger was the first notable VR movie which shows bright luminous colours, cascading fractals and dreamy glowing vanishing points. 

Thereafter we have been pushing the boundaries of virtual reality for example movies like "Matrix(1999)" and "Avatar"(2009). In 2009 Gaspar Noé’s Enter the Void appeared to herald a new era in psychedelic cinema. 

In the latest Marvel blockbuster, the eponymous Doctor Strange (played confidently by Benedict Cumberbatch) has his rationality and scepticism shattered by shamanic ninja the Ancient One (Tilda Swinton), and after discovering his astral body, he is then hurtled onto a cosmic roller-coaster ride that more than uncannily resembles Noé's void. The Doctor travels through a universe of eidetically coloured planetary bodies, black holes, fractals, and kaleidoscopic vistas, eventually witnessing his own fingers sprouting hands, whose fingers sprout even more hands, and so on until he becomes a real believer in parallel dimensions. And, in many other oddly trippy scenes, the latest psychedelia fare is effectively provided by employing more advanced generations of visual effects and 3D technology. 

Then there was detailed description and initial ideas and designs. 

I managed to make a 360* VR video. 

It was difficult enough to setup the necessary plug-in for After Effects, let alone create a diffuse map in Photoshop to overlay on a 3D cylinder, let alone animate a 3D camera to appear to be moving inside the cylinder or loop. Although this was a simple concept, the outcomes were astounding.

I wrote two scenarios with a brief societal context, target audience, and user experience.

After that, I created a gantt chart for submission that included all of my anticipated days.

After that, there were some requirements like risk assessments and set-up tools.

Then I began assembling everything in Illustrator and PowerPoint and like that my most stressful week was over after submitting the prospectus. My Prospectus was a basic landscape power point showing most of my research and following the brief


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