I follow this particular channel called corridor crew which is a renowned content production channel known for producing high-quality visual effects, action-packed short films, and entertaining vlogs. The channel was formed by a group of filmmakers, artists, and visual effects experts that are passionate about storytelling and pushing the frontiers of what is possible in the field of visual effects.
The channel's short films are well renowned for their strong action scenes, complex visual effects, and fascinating storytelling. These films demonstrate the team's talent in filmmaking, visual effects, and narrative, and they frequently include genres such as sci-fi, horror, and humour.In addition to their short films, the Corridor Crew channel includes vlogs, behind-the-scenes footage, and lessons that give insight into their creative process and highlight the most recent visual effects and filmmaking methods.
Overall, the Corridor Crew YouTube channel is popular among those interested in filmmaking, special effects, and narrative. Their distinct combination of creativity, technological competence, and interesting material has garnered them a global fan base.
I came across the video of them making an Animated film using AI. It was mind-blowing. I was thinking that maybe I could turn this short film into an animation. It would be great. So I start surfing my way through the short film tutorial. After watching 1 hour tutorial.
For the short film I had to download stable diffusion and some large file directories. I had to train the AI model with the face of Charachters in film. I had to render whole 3 mins of Short film in a Jpeg sequence so I can alter each frame. I had around 4000 frames. It took professionals 3 Months to do it. I had couple weeks until the submission. My laptop also wont be able to withstand the processing.
I researched some alternate ways to do this thing and I came across a video. Which used Eb Synth to animate whole footage. I quickly got excited and started working on that idea. After rendering my film to jpeg sequence I made different folders with different shot sequences and copy pasted them to make keys.
Keys are basically an altered photo from the sequence that you want whole sequence to be. Mostly its the first image or some in between. I followed the tutorial from start to end and altered all of the key using an app on my phone called prequel which uses AI to transform images into cartoon. I Used all me images and made keys on my phone using that app.
The Normal First frame of Sequence.
The AI altered Frame using app Prequel.
I was very excited that finally everything was coming along. However then after using EB synth and looking at the footages. I found that this effect is hard for Eb synth to cope with. It was giving my distorted and damaged frames. I was shocked and stressed because i had a week to submit.
I remember trying Eb synth as trial for a small video with a photoshop file alterations. I decided to give that a try. Surprisingly enough it worked so I picked all me keys in photoshop and added the cutout filter in filter gallery which gives it a bit of vector image type look. At this point i was ready to take up on anything which was remotely near to animation. It worked without distortions or anything. It was the thing i want. I used half of the week just to Synth all frames in Eb synth. Results were cartoony but in sort of artistic way I liked that. It was beautiful. It was not perfect but somehow it was matching the stories. I had all my assets required to complete this project.
In addition to creating planets for my project, I also wanted to create a template for the planets so that I could copy and paste them, changing the material and colour nodes to create a completely different planet. This way, I could use the template as often as necessary to create a bizarre planet for my degree project. First Step: Configuring the Sphere We start our journey by constructing a basic spherical, which will serve as the basis for our magnificent planet. To ensure seamless transitions and accurate detailing, we'll add a UV Sphere primitive and use Blender's user-friendly interface to polish its edges with a Subdivision Surface modifier. Step 2: Materials Addition: Enlivening the Planets Now that our sphere is in position, it's time to harness the magic of materials to give it life. We'll explore Blender's material editor and use the adaptable Musgrave texture to create an aesthetically appealing surface. Through the manipulation of characteristics li...
While working on a certain nebulae sequence, I encountered a big obstacle in my attempt to provide engaging VR material. I tried my hardest, but there was a lot of distracting noise in the footage, which took away from the intended visual effect. I set out on a quest of investigation and testing to save the sequence and improve its quality because I was determined to find a solution. I found a potentially effective solution after researching other options and talking to other creators. DaVinci Resolve is a potent video editing programme that is well-known for its strong noise-reduction features. Equipped with this fresh understanding, I enthusiastically tested this method in the hopes of reviving my problematic nebula sequence. I nervously awaited the best outcome when I applied the denoising algorithm in DaVinci Resolve after importing the video and carefully tweaking the settings. I was astounded to see the nebulae's actual beauty emerge as the noise progressively subsided and ...
I attended a few seminars this week on my degree project. I knew exactly what needed to be done. I stopped by the level 5 session to speak with an instructor who is very knowledgeable about the Unreal Engine. I discussed my thoughts and viewpoints with him and showed him my old blog. I have been examining the Unreal Engine tutorials. Since this is my degree project and I can't afford to make any mistakes that could affect my deadline, I was concerned if this project was too ambitious for me and if should I devote more time to other modules. Is this project idea and project feasible? was the initial query. Fortunately, the Unreal engine provides a large selection of objects and simple nod-based change, making this viable. I could finish it in the allotted time. We can even buy and utilise things like plugins for Unreal Engine online, and they will function flawlessly. After that, the question became whether I could dolly and animate a camera in any way I wanted to, as my goal...
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