Storytelling Project : Final Project and Bibliography

I wanted to create something that was more than just a sports story – I wanted to use boxing as a metaphor for life. With a monologue and rap beat in the background, my film aimed to inspire and motivate viewers to keep pushing forward, no matter how tough the fight may be.

Several important lessons were taught to me while making this video. First and foremost, I realised how critical it is to have a clear vision for your project. With so many creative options accessible, it's easy to become sidetracked or lose sight of your initial objectives. However, by remaining focused on my vision for the picture, I was able to make decisions that improved the final result.

Another thing I learnt was the value of teamwork. I got the services of a brilliant musician to construct the rap rhythm while I wrote the story and made the animation. We were able to create a unified and effective film by working together, which would not have been feasible without both of our efforts.

The concept of perseverance was maybe the most essential lesson I learnt. The process of creating an animated film is time-consuming and frequently difficult. There were times when I considered giving up or settling for a less-than-ideal outcome. However, by pushing through those doubts and continuing to fine-tune the video, I was able to produce something I am quite happy with.

Perhaps the most significant lesson I learned was the importance of experimentation. When using new technology or tools, it can be tempting to stick to what you know or what is comfortable. However, by pushing myself to experiment with Eb synth and explore its capabilities, I was able to create sequences that exceeded my expectations. This experience reminded me that filmmaking is a constantly evolving field, and it's important to stay curious and try new things.

In the end, creating this boxing animation film using Eb synth taught me that AI-powered tools can be valuable assets in the creative process. By using these tools in conjunction with traditional filmmaking techniques, I was able to create a unique and impactful film that resonated with viewers. Moving forward, I am excited to continue exploring the possibilities of AI in filmmaking and see how it can help me tell even more compelling stories.

Finally, synthesizing this boxing animation clip showed me that filmmaking is about much more than technical abilities or creative ideas. It's about having a clear vision and persevering through the difficulties. I intend to continue making important and compelling films that engage with audiences by applying these skills to future projects.


BOXING collection (no date) cottonbro studio. Available at: (Accessed: 10 May 2023).

Descript Text To Speech AI Tutorial (Text To Speech Software) (2023) YouTube. YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: 10 May 2023).

Did We Just Change Animation Forever? (2023) YouTube. YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: 10 May 2023).

NEFFEX (2022) ‘6 Shots’, Audio library [Preprint]. Youtube. Available at: (Accessed: 10 May 2023).

Using A.I to Convert Real Footage To Animation | Computer Generated Cartoonization (2022) YouTube. YouTube. Available at: (Accessed: 10 May 2023).


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