Getting Started (Degree Project)

 I wanted to use space exploration in my degree project, so I looked into the possibilities of the Unreal Engine to make my idea a reality. I started by looking for Unreal Engine tutorials that may provide me with the know-how and abilities I needed to make a realistic and captivating space scene. These tutorials gave me a wealth of knowledge about game programming and gave me a whole new set of options for creating an engaging and dynamic space-themed project. By learning how to use Unreal Engine, I was able to find the best tutorial for Unreal Engine which includes everything I need. 

This course began with a basic analysis of the project, which got me thinking about how many changes I could make to make it look much better. I began by making a level. which was fairly simple. 

Creation of Planets and Atmospheres 

To enable textures and UVs, I started by creating a spherical and increasing the poly count. I greatly enlarged it to make it resemble a planet. Next, I produced the atmosphere and light in the scene. I created the atmosphere by duplicating the planet, then increasing its size and adjusting its atmospheric light and scatter settings.

Materials and Textures
Online, I downloaded materials and textures. It was quite simple to apply—just drag and drop—but it didn't have a standard map, so I had to create one in Photoshop with a few clicks because that programme has a feature for creating standard apps. Using nodes, I added it to my project after importing it.

Star System

Basically, I employed the most sensible technique to create room. I enlarged and replicated the planet to encompass our sun and planet, adding a galaxy material in the process. However, due to its excessive brightness, I had to modify some of the nodes. We were ready to go once I adjusted the brightness in the nodes.

Asteroid Belt:

Import my asteroid models into Unreal Engine before i can use them to create a dynamic asteroid belt around your planet. Next, I drafted a blueprint to manage the animation. In the content browser, one can accomplish this by performing a right-click, choosing "Blueprint Class," and giving it a name like "AsteroidMovementBP." To add own asteroid model, open this blueprint. Use a "Timeline" node within the Blueprint to move the asteroids. You may create the appearance of motion by controlling the asteroids' rotation by setting up keyframes in this timeline. You must designate the planet's location as the centre of rotation in order for the asteroids to orbit it. This entails making use of the planet actor that is specified in your blueprint.

Once the animation logic is configured, don't forget to compile and store your blueprint. You may now drag and drop this Blueprint's instances into your level. As you play, the asteroids will animate according to the rules you specified in your Blueprint. You may construct a dynamic and captivating asteroid belt by adjusting the asteroids' size, direction, or speed to make the scene more intriguing. With the help of Unreal Engine's Blueprint framework, you can effectively manipulate the behaviour of objects in your game and provide your players with engaging eye-catching experiences.

I changed everything according to what I needed it to be. and made the asteroid belt with almost the same texture as the planet. Once it was working fine I decided to move on to exporting that bit and animating the camera so i could get a VR footage for my Prospectus Submission.


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