Independent project (Innerverse): The shockwave Sequence
I was considering what my other sequence should be so that it might be put into the project. When I was watching the Element 3d tutorials, I came across the shockwave effect, which was also a plug-in, but you could make it in after-effects by using fractal noise and polar coordinate effects. I began watching the lesson and soon devised this sequence, which will feature a little shockwave-type transition and then proceed into a place with a plethora of such small organically abstract shockwaves. The tutorial Video I followed this guide till the final 5 minutes since it required another plug-in that I didn't have. In After Effects, I created a black solid, added a fractal noise effect, and adjusted the evolution and particle scatter settings to achieve the desired amount of noise. I created a mask over it and animated it to fall downhill. I copied and pasted the layer three times, each time changing the parameters to achieve the three explosion effects: hard and powerful centre, a bi...